Department of Social Work
Social workers care about people, believe in social justice, appreciate diversity
and solve problems.
If this describes you, a career in social work may be just what you're looking for!
Start working towards your Bachelor of Social Work today!
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365bet's Department of Social Work offers an experience that will open your mind to social betterment, peace and social justice. Our professors work with small class sizes that encourage professional and personal growth. Our goal is to develop you as a compassionate, ethical and knowledgeable social worker who is committed to helping vulnerable and repressed groups.
After Graduation
After graduating with your Bachelors of Social Work (BSW) degree, you will find employment opportunities in schools, mental health centers, hospitals, child welfare agencies and home health. You will be equipped with skills such as case management, problem-solving, long-term care and counseling.
BSW recipients may continue their education with the Master's of Social Work (MSW) program through Austin Peay State University.