Academic Program Modifications
The majority of program modifications as well as the creation of new concentrations and minors do not require THEC approval prior to implementation. Degree designation changes as well as converting a concentration to a stand alone major will require THEC approval prior to implementation. (See 365bet Policy 2:001 and THEC Policy A1.1). A brief description of the two types of academic program modifications, internal approval only and Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) approval needed, follows:
Academic Program Modifications (Internal Approval Only)
- Consolidate an existing academic program
- Consolidate existing academic programs regardless of degree designations for Performance Funding purposes only
- Conversion of an existing ground program to a fully on-line program
- Curriculum modifications which increase or decrease the number of hours in an existing academic program
- Curriculum modifications in an existing academic program
- Establish a certificate 24 credit hours of less regardless of degree level
- Establish a new concentration or minor
- Establish an articulation agreement between institutions
- Extend an existing degree program to be delivered 100% at an off-campus location
- Inactivation of an existing program or concentration
- Name change for existing academic program
- Name Change for existing concentration within an academic program
- Reactivation of a program that was placed on inactivation within the past 3 years
- Termination with or without phase-out of an existing program or concentration
- Policy Revision: Admission/Progression/Graduation (institutional or program specific)
- May 15 for all actions approved between January 1 and April 30
- August 15 for all actions approved between May 1 and July 31
- January 15 for all actions approved between August 1 and December 31
Academic Program Modifications (THEC Approval)
- Changes to degree designations of existing academic programs
- Additions of degree designations
- Elevation of an existing concentration to a standalone academic program
- CIP Code Changes
Please note: If approval by 365bet Board of Trustees or THEC is required the approval time may vary due to agenda deadlines and quarterly meetings which may not coincide with the approval of your proposal.